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Guam Preservation Trust's Special Projects' Website

2022 Pacific Preservation Technology Summit
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Historic Sites Short Film Series
Historic Juan Flores House
Built in the mid-1930s, the Juan Flores House is an example of pre-war architecture in Guam. The home is known for its ifit wood framing which supports the ifit plank flooring; the tabique lath and plaster walls; the staircase; and manposteria bodega. During the Japanese Occupation the house was used as a dispensary. Following the Liberation of Guam, the Flores family welcomed several displaced families from the village to stay in the house. Situated by the village's main road, Salai Haya now San Jose Street, the house was used by the family for many celebrations, most especially the Inarajan village fiestas.
In 2016 with the assistance of the Guam Preservation Trust, the Juan Flores House was reconstructed using the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and other preservation technologies. The priority was to preserve the home and including its exterior spaces to withstand Guam’s natural environment and ensure the longevity of this historical home.
Beluu er a Ngerutechei -A Sacred Traditional Village
The traditional village called Beluu er a Ngerutechei is listed under Palau Register of Historic Places. Residents of Ngeremelngui consider Ngerutechei to be the oldest village on Babeldaob and one of the most sacred. Its sacredness depends on at least two features. The village is said to have been visited by the goddess called Milad when she tossed her afterbirth into the mangrove channel and there is a stone pavement in the village which is the place where the chiefly titles belonging to the children of Milad were given out. The pavement is named Uchul a Rebong. The village was still occupied when Kramer visited in 1909 but had been virtually abandoned by the start of World War II. This village has 24 different features that made up the whole village including a stone monolith called "Chesuch", (Stone face of an Owl).
Battle for the Island of Peleliu:
A World War II Historical Museum
This short video will describe the significance of the battle of Peleliu, one of the bloodiest battles of World War II on the Pacific Theater. The Battle for Peleliu is a significant time of our history because of the nature of the battle. The island’s history is unique for its geographical features that shaped the nature of the battle, the Japanese occupation in the past, the huge number of Japanese and American casualties and most importantly the fleeing of the people of Peleliu to the northern parts of Palau.
Let’s not forget the most important aspect of The Battle of Peleliu, who the winner of the battle would be. The winner would, as written in history, be a significant influential entity for the rest of the islands of Palau. Peleliu as a whole island is significant because it is littered with remnants of the war that should be preserved and serve to remind us of the atrocities of war and its consequences.
Although the Battle of Peleliu took place 76 years ago in our history, its consequences have echoed through the years and still have significance even in our present time whether good or bad. The video will cover the sites and their significance, the preservation methods and what the government plans about the sites.
Ajeltek Mee Fish Weir (Fish Trap) Trial
The Marshall Island Historic Preservation Office is pleased to share this video with you. This video was done in collaboration with The Ajeltake Community Association, MIMRA, RMIHPO and the College of the Marshall Islands Video Club. The video shows a small portion of the restoration of a fish trap or mee. This type of mee is called an Alele mee here in the Marshall Islands. It is a community activity, and this style mee is usually found near the shore within the lagoon. It is an historic fishing method, that the Marshallese are trying to rekindle. This will help with food security and at the same time revitalize an historic fishing method. This video shows the first effort to trap the fish, and as you can see it was successful. We hope you enjoy the video.
Lelu Ruins
In this video, Kosrae HPO will take you to the Lelu Ruins to learn about this historical site of great importance. Historically, it was the capital or the ruling center of Kosrae from early 1400 to early 1900. The ruins cover most of the flat areas of the Lelu Island, including three (3) adjacent islets and was said to be an artificially built (manmade) site. There are over 100 compounds associated with the site. Most of these were dwelling areas. Besides dwelling compounds, there were two royal burial compounds, several canoe landing areas, old streets, feasting houses, communal areas, war fortification compound, recreational compound, mortuary site, etc... Studies conducted in the past suggested that Kosrae had a population of approximately 3,000 to 6,000 inhabitants. This population was divided into four social strata, the King, about 20 High Chiefs, about 50 Low Chiefs, and the rest, commoners. The King and a few of the high chiefs owned all the land. Each lord owned several land sections called facl and appointed low chiefs to watch after their lands. These low chiefs lived on the main island overseeing the commoners. Commoners owned no land. They held use rights to land plots which could be taken away if the commoner did not supply enough tribute to his overlord. Tribute consisted of labor, food and shell money valuables. In sum, life on old Kosrae favored the chiefs and kings. They were treated with extreme respect and awe, and their wishes were carried out by the commoners.
Over the years, Leluh has seen three periods of archaeological research. In 1910 the German Sudsee Expedition did mapping and excavations of the three royal tombs, and in 1929 a Japanese expedition excavated the remaining two royal tombs. Both of these excavations were brief and done with techniques now long outdated. From 1979-1983, more modern work has been undertaken by the Kosrae Historic Preservation Office and archaeologists from Hawaii. This work has been much more intensive, and more results have become available. Based on the first European expedition (1824), there were about 1,500 residents in the Lelu Ruins alone which comprised of the King, all the high chiefs, and their servants. Lelu Ruins is still considered one of the wonders of the Pacific and still remains sacred to these days.
Mahkontowe Conservation Area